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Dos carré collé  148x210  216 pages  ISBN : 9782385911690 Parution : aout 2023

(Twin flames) Sacred couple

It is with humility, authenticity and simplicity that the author describes the evolution of his dyad relationship. Shaman, Reiki Master, Medium, Clairvoyant, Alchemist, Energetician, Healer, Teacher, Accomplished Artist, and so on, he puts himself at the service of Beings, and the Earth, unconditionally. He demonstrates vast Knowledge and Awareness of its own Light and Shadow aspects, and he can thus skillfully detect those of others. The Twin phenomenon is not new. Until a few centuries ago, he seemed reserved to Divine Archetypes of various Mythologies: Mesopotamia, India, Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, etc.

Of our time, it is no longer reserved for Elites and Deities. What promotes the Reconnection of humans with their own divinity. In the end, the craze for the Twin Flames, maybe it’s this Reconnection, especially when we observe the Abyss that has been dug between the earthly and the divine. This is what the author tells us. The Gift is that he discovers unconditional Love, not only for his “other”, but also for others, and especially for himself.

Twin Flames don’t meet to watch flourish a nice couple, but to bring an Opening of Consciousness and Heart to humanity.

A Wild and Exciting Journey dotted with Mysteries and Revelations


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