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Dos carré collé  148x210  158 pages  ISBN : 9791042707668 Parution : décembre 2024


Rina Sestito Arce


When the hidden messages of the cathedral meet modern science or vice versa...

Rina Sestito Arce reveals the esoteric language of Gothic cathedrals made of symbols, geometry, statuary, proportions or orientation, which gives indications on how to find meaning to one’s life and suggest that is plausible to believe in the afterlife.

Amazing but this spiritual teaching seems to coincide with the testimonies of those who lived a “near death experience”, with discoveries made in quantum physics or in neuroscience seeking to define consciousness: more than a religious building, here the cathedral is shown as a mineral book indicating the Way of Awakening with Unconditional Love as final destination.

We live through a new era where Spirituality and Science seem to have the same vision of the Universe, of death and of the afterlife.

Promised to paradise, we are all condemned to the Light.

So be it.


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